Who Else Wants
10-20 New Customers
To Call Them
Starting in 60 Minutes?

(Repeat whenever you want more)

Chad Kimball

Imagine a "new customer machine" on your desk.

Simply drop five cents into the machine, pick your target market, and your phone rings with a hot prospect ready to purchase from you.

Would you be interested in something like this?

No more embarrassing cold calls, failed mailers, useless networking events – yet your phone will be ringing off the hook whenever you want with new customers.

This is exactly what my "Phone Call Generator" system does for you.

I set the timer in the call generator system for 9am to 5PM. This was supposedly for the next day.

Works so well that ... my phone rang out of control IMMEDIATELY.

I was looking for maybe 2 or 3 calls, but instead...
They kept coming, totally unexpected.

Derek Drummond
(215) 559-4560

Derek messaged me again this morning and said it was almost comical how unprepared he was to get that many calls.

He'll be more prepared next time he presses the button.

This has been my personal experience too, you really need to be prepared for the onslaught of calls this thing will bring to your business.

It will bring you customers and clients almost instantly.

Robert Said, "I Feel Like a Failure" 

A few weeks ago I used my phone call generator system to send leads to an entrepreneur named Robert (as a favor).

After his phone rang nonstop with prospects ALL DAY he told me "Man, I feel like a failure."


Because the calls were coming in so fast he couldn't keep up.

People were leaving him voicemails basically saying "call me back and sell me stuff!"

If you think about it, this is a great problem to have. You pick and choose the clients you want.

You choose the HIGHEST PAYING clients. You can fire clients who are a pain.

Put yourself in the drivers seat, take control back from your clients.


Electricians Wanting SEO Services
Called Nonstop for 10 Hours

I wanted to show what is possible with this thing.

I woke up, decided on a target market (electricians) and had calls coming in by 8am.

Here's screenshot of the calls in my phone system:

These calls went straight to voicemail, so a number of them didn't leave a message. It's much better if you have someone actually picking up the phone.

Total: 39 calls. A few of them were me messing with the system, so lets estimate 35 real electricians calling.

This screenshot from my phone number provider shows the calls coming in between 8 and 6pm:

You can see if you're sitting there by yourself, the calls start to pile up.

Even with a couple people to take calls you could spend a whole morning on the phone and get some clients quickly.

I literally I woke up in the morning, decided to do a campaign, and a few hours later I had the phone ringing.

Two Months Later
Electricians Were STILL Calling!

I logged into my phone system TWO MONTHS after running the test campaign above.

Actually I completly forgot about this voicemail box and wasn't checking it at all. 

Electricians had continued to call me, asking for SEO services from that single test campaign.  One guy called me twice, ten days apart!

Imagine if you were doing these Phone Call Generator campaigns for new business once a week?

Imagine the phone calls piling up and continuing to get calls months after the campaigns are over and done with.

Here are a few of the calls that came in during those two months: 

A few weeks later I tried it
in a Totally Different Market, Does
It Still Work? 

Screenshot is below. 

I have personally seen this drive calls in insurance, consulting, alarm systems, electricians, plumbers, attorneys, builders, podiatrists, reputation management, and right now I'm doing it with someone in the banking industry. 

My Phone Call Generator system can target pretty much any group of businesses you want to sell to.

You simply choose your target market, run the system, and this is what happens:

You're Probably Asking:
"But Are These Calls
from QUALITY Prospects?"

I understand, you don't want to waste your time with tire kickers, leeches, and people just trying to milk you for free advice.

To answer your question, let me put it this way. Check the kind of prospects you want to call you starting in 60 minutes:

Desperate to buy from me
My exact target market
In my target geographic area
Call me to buy, rather than me calling them
Ready to buy now
Low cost per lead 
 Easily reachable
 Constant flow of new interested people

These are the exact type of prospects that my system produces. But don't take my word for it. Here are others who have experienced the quality of these leads:

Former Tennessee Government Worker:
First Client in Under 1.5 hours
With My System

According to my facebook chat log, he started with the system on May 29, 5:34 PM.  

By 6:58 He had his first client.  

Here are the details: I was doing an online live demo of the system.

I offered to give the leads to anyone watching. 

Neal Von Almen raised his hand. Out of two leads he spoke with, he closed one of them. 

And get this: HE WAS BRAND NEW at this. Not a seasoned veteran in the consulting business at all. This was his first client ever.

Here is the facebook comment thread from that live demo: 

Jon Used to Work for
Valentine & Kebartas Collection Agency

After One Day With My System
He Earned $1500
from the Leads for His New Business!

Here are the details: 
Again I was doing a test of the system but hadn't responded to any of the phone calls that were coming in. 

I sent Jon 3 voicemails of prospects that wanted a call back. 

He emailed me back the next day. Here's what he said.

How would you like to make $1500 by simply responding to 3 of the leads that my system brings you? 

These are hot leads, ready to buy, at the push of a button.

This System Could Easily
Pay for Itself Within One Day. 

In fact, you could order this in the morning, and by that afternoon you could have the phone ringing with people wanting your products and services. 

If you are able to take payments quickly, this could pay for itself within a few hours to a couple days. 

Here is a screenshot of my test with my friend Eric Reyes and he couldn't keep up with the calls! (and he is a hardcore direct phone sales guy)

You can see how this would work for your business if you used this as a regular tool for prospecting.

You'll be getting a flood of calls the first day, and then the calls will continue to come in sporadically over the days and weeks to come.

Imagine doing this once or twice a week. You could be getting a steady stream of leads calling your business, ready to buy.

What Is Included in the
Phone Call Generator System?

It is a combination of a few software tools. Each is very simple to use. Depending on the type of prospects you want you will pick a different combination of tools. I explain everything in the instructional videos.

When used together these tools virtually eliminate the need to chase new customers.

Here is a screenshot of the main phone call generator tool:


Included In The
Phone Call Generator System

  • 7 instructional videos on how to use the system
  • 6 call generator software tools (very simple push button tools, each has a different way of reaching your customers)
  • 6 instructional videos, one for each piece of software.
  • Access to my private forum for this system where you can get access to
  • One month free of my SEO cash club: (Includes Google Maps Course, Domain Tweak & Email List Secrets Products, 150+ SEO Videos, Live Weekly Q&A sessions, Blackhat Bots, & More)
  • Generates inbound phone calls on demand, prospects requesting to pay you for services.
  • Choose to receive dozens of phone calls, or scale it up to multiple hundreds of calls per day.