The Monetari Fund Review

When you hear about investing in the stock market, stocks and bonds come to mind right? Well you’re not alone. Many investors often neglect the more profitable stock options, albeit the small investment required to trade them. 

That’s what the Monetari Fund will help you do- invest as little as $300 to turn huge profits. Since there isn’t much competition or saturation as in most other business ventures, it can be an excellent source of passive income. 

Before we go any deeper into the Monetari Fund, I want to make one thing clear: If you don’t already have a lot of extra MONTHLY cash, you aren’t ready for this program!  Why do I say this? First, you need to have cash to buy the program AND a significant amount of extra MONTHLY money to start trading with after that. Do not invest money that you can’t afford to lose. Look up Dan Lok’s wealth triangle. It is basic financial advice: 1) Build a business or get a job that makes you a significant surplus every month (like thousands of extra dollars monthly). 2) After you are making $10,000 per month, then, you’re ready to dive into investing.  

That’s why I recommend building a profitable business FIRST. It is easier than you think.  Doing this is less work, less risky, and less expensive, than investing. IN FACT, our recommended solution below even works for teenagers! They do the whole thing via email, no phone calls required. Click here to get a Free Video On This Business Model. I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years. My own kids are using this course to setup autopilot businesses online that require very little ongoing work.

Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :

Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.

The course my daughter used above is much better than the Monetari Fund. But since you are here to learn about Monetari, lets get back to our review of that:

Who is David Vlas- The Face Behind Monetari Fund

David Vlas is the face behind Monetari Fund. However, it’s unclear if David Vlas founded the Monetari Fund because he doesn’t have much experience in the trade. It’s believed that other people are handling the trading activities, and he’s just the frontman.

David started as a social media personality as he’s well-known for posting videos, including vlogs, pranks, and challenges on his YouTube channel.

In 2015 and 2016, David’s channel grew, attracting over a hundred thousand subscribers. His following also multiplied on other social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram which prompted him to launch a business.

Vlas decided to launch a retail business dealing in backpacks, T-shirts, and sweatshirts. He later  launched another YouTube channel called DavidVlasBusiness to teach people how to make money online and trade stocks.

What is the Monetari Fund?

The Monetari Fund program is an online course that trains people how to trade stock options. It provides trading strategies to trade stock options to generate high returns. The program has two parts:

  • An online course
  • The discord Group

You sign up by typing your name and email address on the Monetari Fund website. After registration, you’re granted access to a free webinar where David explains trading stock options in length.

The Online Course

Here you learn the basics of trading options, including trading strategies David Vlas claims to have used. Students learn about:

  • Risk management
  • What CFDs are
  • How to start trading
  • What trading options entails
  • How to join Monetari Fund’s discord group
  • FAQs

Discord Group

When you join this group, you can participate in live trading following prompts the experts sent to the members. The idea is to send signals to the members every time they make a trade that appears to have the potential to make huge profits. 

However, there’s a caveat-you can only trade three options in a week. If you trade more times, your brokerage account is frozen for 90 days.

What is the Cost of the Monetari Fund?

The cost of joining the Monetari Fund is $1995, but you may opt for the monthly package of $295. This is a one-time payment, so there aren’t additional payments thereafter.

Does Monetari Have a Refund Policy?

Upon checking their refund policy, I found that Monetari offers refunds for specific services. As such, it’s best to review the terms of a particular service to determine if it’s entitled to a refund. Alternatively, contact customer service to understand the refund type you qualify for.

Monetari Fund Review-What Are Others Saying?

If you plan to register with Monetari to trade stock options, it will help to know what previous users say about the platform. Here’s what I found:

Made money within a week

Peter says that he recovered his initial investment within a week of signing up. He credits his success to the training and advises potential customers to pay attention to the training to learn how to trade.

Made over 35% of the initial investment

Christian has made over 35% of his initial investment by trading for 30-60 minutes daily. He credits the profits to the program and plans to recommend it to his family and friends.

Got a Refund within two days

This customer wasn’t sure if the investment would pan out since he’s from another country, so he requested a refund. The company refunded his money within two days without much trouble.

Haven’t received a refund 30 days after requesting one

The customer realized the investment wasn’t a good fit and requested a refund. However, the company delayed the payment for more than 30 days and finally refused to repay the money.

Would I Recommend the Monetari Fund? My Verdict

You may need a program like the Monetari Fund to teach you how to trade stock options. And with a team of experts that help walks with you every step of the way, you’re bound to learn the ropes pretty fast. However, I’d have loved to learn more about the tools they use to train investors. Also, their refund policy isn’t clear, so I’d recommend investing in the platform with caution.

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