The cleaning business is not new but in recent times, you can run one without even owning a physical business. To run a remote cleaning business, you need to put some systems in place to ensure that your business runs smoothly.
The creators of Home Service Academy claim to have all the systems and processes you need to start your remote cleaning business from scratch and all these strategies have proven to work over and over again.
This article will explore this company’s program and see if there is any truth to their claims. Continue reading to find out what we discovered about Home Service Academy.
I want to be upfront before we go any further. This course WILL teach you more about operating a self-storage business. What it WON’T teach you is how to make it your full-time job! If you’re looking to start your first business here, this program can’t give you the experience you need. You need the life experience of how to take a business from failing to success, or Home Service Academy’s program won’t do you any good.
My other issue with this business model is you have to CONTINUALLY be on the search for new clients. I prefer a much more autopilot business model. A business I can setup that runs without me needing to keep hustling for new clients.
Here is a much more beginner-friendly business model where you can replace your day-job all by yourself, without all the extra client hustle. On top of that, you own all the products, keep all the profits yourself, and takes less time to setup than ecommerce. I have a free video showing this business model here. My own teenagers are using this to make money every week!
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is a much more autopilot model than Home Service Academy’s program. But since you are here to learn about Home Service Academy, lets get back to our review of that:
What is Home Service Academy?
It’s a company that helps entrepreneurs who want to start cleaning businesses skip years of trial and error so that they can achieve success quickly. The company said they can help you achieve success in less than a quarter of the time that typical remote cleaning businesses take to scale.
Who are the Creators of Home Service Academy?

The company was founded by Johnny Robinson and Sergio Silesky; two young men who wanted to avoid the traditional 9-5 work routine at all cost. They have been best friends since 7th grade and after an experience with a terrible manager, Johnny knew he didn’t want to work under anybody in the future.
Johnny and Sergio first tried a lot of the popular online businesses including Shopify dropshipping, Amazon FBA, and even started a marketing agency but it did not work as they wanted it to.
They later founded a cleaning business called Orange Window Cleaning with only $150 while still in school. They would use their spare time to sell window cleaning services for $10 to $20. That was harder than they thought and took a lot of their time but brought in small returns.
After college, they started working in corporate but they quit shortly after that to try a different route with their cleaning business. This time, they did not do the work themselves, neither did they hire employees. They instead worked with subcontractors and they were able to scale it to $65,000 per month.
After some time, they added another business and this cleaning business was called Mary and A Mop. Fortunately, this business took off incredibly fast and they were able to scale to multiple six figures in 60 days.
With all the experience they got from both failed and successful businesses, they founded Home Service Academy to help other people break free from the 9-5 job routine.
They are very active on social media and their YouTube channel has over 28K subscribers. Their TikTok also has 44K followers and 3.6M likes. They use these channels to share training on how to get started in the cleaning business and make enough money to ditch your traditional job.
How Does Home Cleaning Academy Work?
According to the founders, their target clients are people who are stuck in 9-5 jobs and are yearning to break free. People who have tried and failed other online businesses and those who are scared of starting a new business.
To get started, you first need to sign up to get access to the company’s free training. This training essentially talks about how Johnny and Sergio scaled their first cleaning business and the steps to scale yours as well. This training also serves as a lead magnet to help rope you in.
Johnny said that they only dedicate 5 hours a month to their Orange Window Cleaning business and they are able to bring in over $60,000 per month. They have perfected the framework that makes this possible and all they do is to help other people install this framework in their businesses.
The first stage involves helping you set up your business foundation. The team will help you to register your business, set up insurance, and other essential documentation. This is done within the first two weeks of your signing up.
The next step is finding the right contractors for your business. Sergio and Johnny have the experience of getting the right help and they will share their sourcing and hiring process with you. They will also share templates of contracts with you so that you and your sub-contractors have a legal agreement in place.
The final step involves securing customers. Sergio and Johnny will teach you effective paid and free ad methods that will bring in the clients. They teach you diverse methods so that you can have customers coming in through diverse channels. They will also teach you how to sell your services and handle client issues.
What is the Cost of Home Service Academy?
The program costs a one-time payment of $2600. We don’t know if you can pay in installments.
Refund Policy
There is no refund policy but the creators claim that if you do not achieve the results they promise within the first 90 days, they will offer you one-on-one coaching until you do.

Should You Invest in Home Service Academy?
The first thing we noticed was that their business Orange Window Cleaning has great reviews and most of their customers are satisfied with the service they received. Since they are going to teach the same framework, we believe you will be learning some valuable lessons for your business. We also found a lot of reviews about Home Service Academy and almost all of them are positive.
Most of the reviewers mentioned that they couldn’t have started their remote cleaning businesses without the support of these founders. They also commended the kind of guidance they received from the company. Some reviewers also mentioned their coaches and talked about how these coaches were patient with them until they were able to figure everything out.
From all indications, the business is worth the investment. But you must only invest if you are certain that you want to remain in the cleaning business. Also, $2600 isn’t exactly cheap and there is no refund policy. So must be willing to do your best to attain the results since most of the implementation of strategies will depend on you.