I do a bit of stock trading, mostly penny stocks. I make a few bucks but it is really more of a hobby than an income source. Recently I stumbled on a guy named Lance Ippolito in a video. The video claimed, “In today’s video, Future of Wealth Head Trader Lance Ippolito shares how he and his subscribers were able to make massive gains from three hot stocks…all in three days”.
Before we go any deeper into Lance Ippolito’s Weekly Blitz Alert, I want to make one thing clear: If you don’t already have a lot of extra MONTHLY cash, you aren’t ready for this program! Why do I say this? First, you need to have cash to buy the program AND a significant amount of extra MONTHLY money to start trading with after that. Do not invest money that you can’t afford to lose. Look up Dan Lok’s wealth triangle. It is basic financial advice: 1) Build a business or get a job that makes you a significant surplus every month (like thousands of extra dollars monthly). 2) After you are making $10,000 per month, then, you’re ready to dive into investing.
That’s why I recommend building a profitable business FIRST. It is easier than you think. Doing this is less work, less risky, and less expensive, than trading. IN FACT, our recommended solution below even works for teenagers! They do the whole thing via email, no phone calls required. Click here to get a Free Video On This Business Model. I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years. My own kids are using this course to setup autopilot businesses online that require very little ongoing work.
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than Weekly Blitz Alert. But since you are here to learn about Weekly Blitz Alert, lets get back to our review of that:
Lance Ippolito Bio
I have to admit that I was a bit curious so I decided to try and find out more about this Lance guy. Lance is an ex-hedge fund trader who specializes in making large amounts of money in short periods of time. He’s aggressive. He doesn’t even bother looking at trades that can’t at least double his money.

Lance left the hedge fund world to have more free time and enjoy the money he makes trading. He trades to live, not lives to trade.
Lance is young and laid-back and it comes across in his videos. He’s very informal, very personable, and LOVES FISHING!. In His own words. “I specialize in stocks, options, and futures. I am a professional trader with a background in investment management. CEO of InTheMoneyTrading.com where I build relationships with traders to improve trading performance”.
Here’s what You will get.

Went to the Wealth Press site and clicked the tab labeled Premium Content where I found Weekly Blitz Alert and various other products but I was interested in the Weekly Blitz alert product so I clicked the tab labeled View Product I found a description of products content and here is what you get.
- 104 Weekly Blitz Alerts
- BONUS #1: The Blitz Playbook:
- BONUS #2: Blitz Alert Secrets: Revealed. This video series isn’t available anywhere else in the world, and shows the inner workings of my Blitz Alert system and strategy.
- BONUS #3: Weekly Market Blitz Videos.Stay on top of important activity in the broader markets as well as any explosive Blitz Alert stocks.
- BONUS #4: 5 Stocks That Could Shape and Protect Your Financial Future. It’s important that as you are collecting Blitz Alert cash that you plan for your future. Invest in these 5 stocks to secure your retirement whether you are trading Blitz Alerts or not.
- TWO Tickets to Annual Blitz Alert Live Summit: I want to invite you to our annual meet and greets. This is a chance for you to get to know me and your fellow Weekly Blitz Alert members.
- Private Members-Only Portal: Access to a private portal to keep track of our Weekly Blitz Alert activity and other private members-only perks.
- Blitz Alert Hotline: This is like a direct line to my team and the perfect place to get your most pressing membership questions answered right away.
With all of that I half expected to read BUT THAT’S NOT ALL. It seems almost too good to be true and it’s not illegal. So I looked for a sample or Free trial or something. Nope not happening not this time. This is one of those all or nothing propositions. On the same page as the above offer the order now was located on the right side.
So How Much will it Cost
You have two options
- Unlimited Subscription – $2,497.00
- Annual – $1,997.00
It is unclear what the difference is between the Unlimited and the Annual subscription. I can only assume that The Unlimited is a Lifetime Subscription.
What’s the Talk Around Town?
Here is what’s being said on Reddit as I could not find any legit reviews on google

Sorry but like I said Info is really scarce as far as reviews go, but I do love the talk on Reddit
My Opinion
After taking a good look and listening to the hype there is one question I have to ask myself. If I had some secret loophole that would give me the returns that Lance claims it does why on earth would he tell anyone. I know I sure as heck wouldn’t. Would You?
Let’s do a little math here. Let’s say you get an alert on a stock and it sells for $10.00 per share and you buy 200 shares total cost would be $2,000. According to the info on Weakly Blits Alert your return would be 13x your investment or $26,000. You are supposed to get this kind of result on average three times per week. Your next Alert the stock is selling for $6.00 per share so you buy 1000 shares your investment is $6000 we will say that you only get 10 times return that is $60,000 That means with only two trades you made $138,000. Again I ask you would you share the secret with the world.
My GrandFather used to tell me “son if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck. This is only my opinion but this one is a duck!