If you already have an established business, you’ve probably heard about scaling. The concept is simple: you increase your internal revenues so you can grow your business faster.
While this might seem impossible, the creator of Scaling with Systems says anyone can achieve it with the right tools and proper guidance. And Scaling with Systems will provide you with exactly that – allowing you to earn up to a 7-digit figure within a year!
I want to be upfront before we go any further. Ravi will teach you how to scale your business, but FIRST you need to have experience running your own business!
If you’re thinking about starting a business, or if you just started your first business, don’t get the Scaling with Systems course. You need the experience of how to take a business from failing online, to online success, or Ravi’s course won’t do you any good.
My other issue with this business model is you have to CONTINUALLY be on the search for new clients. I prefer a much more autopilot business model. A business I can setup that runs without me needing to keep hustling for new clients.
Here’s the course I recommend instead. My own teenagers are using this course to setup autopilot businesses online that require very little ongoing work. There’s a Free Video On This Business Model Here.
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than Scaling With Systems. But since you are here to learn about Scaling With Systems, lets get back to our review of that:
I know many people are skeptical about the 7-figures that this course promises, so I decided to look into the details of the program to find out if it’s legit. Stick with me to find out whether you should invest in Scaling with Systems or not.
About Ravi Abuvala – the Brain Behind Scaling with System
Ravi Abuvala, the founder of Scaling with Systems literally went from rags to reaches. His life was going well until his father was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Ravi had to drop out of law school and find jobs so he could earn money for the family.
However, he didn’t struggle for long. Soon after starting his own business, he hired his first virtual assistant and started systematizing his business. In 2018, using his profits, he built an advertising agency.

Ravi earned about a million from his agency and created Scaling with Systems to spread his knowledge. Right now, he owns multiple 7-figure companies with more than 500 clients and 30 employees.
Ravi’s net worth is unknown, but he claims to earn $500,000 each month from his ventures.
What’s Inside the Training Program of Scaling with Systems?
Scaling with Systems trains entrepreneurs to scale their businesses without spending too much money. Here’s what you’ll learn from the course-

Hiring Virtual Assistant
Just 72 hours after beginning the course, you’ll get a virtual assistant to handle your appointments. The VAs are handpicked by Ravi’s team, and they will automatically connect you with high-ticket customers.
Your operation talent will send 300 to 500 outbound communications, and the appointment rate will be 3% to 5%.
Creating Profitable Sale Funnels
It’s not easy to bag a high-ticket client; you have to invest a huge amount of your time and energy. However, Ravi’s team will provide you with multiple sale funnels that have already generated millions for other companies.
You’ll be able to easily integrate them into your sales process and reduce your sale cycle length. Not only that, but the course also offers you templates and wireframes that are ready to use.
Leverage Paid Traffic
Managing traffic and generating more leads is essential for scaling your business. So Scaling with Systems will allow you to access their software ‘ScaleX’ to follow the journey of your leads.
You’ll be able to see where they started, how they got involved with you, and why they made their investment. This way, you can easily discover and focus on the more profitable channels.
Earn Without Any Day-to-Day Operations
In the last phase, you can find, train, and place your very own trained integrator to run your business. These integrators will handle everything for you, including technology management, back-end fulfillment, data collection, and customer service.
However, you will have to pay thousands before you can even hire an integrator and step back from the business.
Public Reviews of Scaling with Systems
Now that you know the basics, it’s time to check out some reviews of the course.
First, let’s find out whether Ravi Abuvala is dependable or not. On Reddit, one user says, “I was in the same guy’s Remote Integrator program, which is a scam (they promise 20k/month roles but have a weak pipeline of Remote Integrator roles and are basically selling you a job. A 5k to 7k per month job.
This is fine if you entered the program after working in an Amazon warehouse, but not what the marketing promised at the time I entered the course)”
Although it’s not about Scaling with Systems, it tells a lot about Ravi Abuvala as a professional service provider. Seems like he doesn’t always keep his promises.
And if he was selling a 5k to 7k per month job, then it’s a total scam in my opinion. I don’t know about other people, but I certainly wouldn’t trust him with my money.
Now, let’s find out about Scaling with Systems. A Redditor says, “In case it helps, I Just had 2 zoom calls with their sales guy.
I tell them how much money I want to be making per month. I threw out random numbers like $50k – $100k/mo. They said no problem, and if after 30 days, it just feels like it won’t work, they’ll refund me, no questions asked. Apparently,y it costs me $20,000 for Scaling with Systems.”
I have mixed feelings about this review. On the positive side, you can get connected with them anytime you want. Looks like the team is responsible and transparent about their product.
Also, I like that they are offering a 30-day refund if they fail to deliver. However, $20,000 for a course, software, and virtual assistant is just too much. There are cheaper training programs out there with more experienced teams.
In a similar review, another Redditor says, “I spoke with one of them today about becoming a remote systems integrator, and they were trying to charge me $6,800.
Also the masterclass, which was over $400 taught almost nothing. Basically just explained what remote integrators do rather than how they do it.
I’m definitely getting my refund.”
If you charge $400 for a class and teach nothing, that doesn’t give a good impression. Even if the course gets better, why would you buy this course when there are better options available? The course is already overpriced, and if the students say it’s not worth the money, then you definitely should be cautious.
Here’s an interesting review from a Reddit user. He says, “Get the refund. I was one of the original RIA members, helped build the community, and am really disappointed in them. They’re not people with integrity (main disappointment), but the program is also not good and not worth what they charge (#2 disappointment).”
There’s no way to find out whether he is telling the truth or not. But, if it’s true, then that means one of the founding members is saying the course isn’t worth it.
He also pointed out what many people say; that the materials of the course aren’t very good, and the money is too much for such a low-quality program.
To sum it up, this overview will be enough. A Redditor stated, “I just went through about 4 different virtual assistant courses. His was the most expensive. His course is weak on actual systems, heavy on outsourcing to virtual assistants… Then he charges you 1k/month while the VA costs him 250/month.
The 3-hour sales process video was low quality compared to the rest of the videos. I wasn’t a big fan of the software he uses with the VAs either. There’s easier/cheaper stuff out there.”
So, there you have it. While some of their services are good, Scaling with Systems doesn’t seem to be worth the money.
Is Scaling with Systems Worth the Cost? My Verdict

From all the reviews we have seen, it’s clear that Scaling with System isn’t a scam. It’s a legit training program that offers several videos, a virtual assistant, and free software.
But do I recommend Scaling with Systems? No, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who wants to actually learn something. Besides, this program isn’t for beginners. You need to have your own business and an understanding of the complex terms related to scaling.
The services provided by Ravi Abuvala aren’t very great, and the students gave lots of negative reviews. If you’re paying $20,000, you should definitely get better courses. Altogether, this training program by Scaling with Systems isn’t worth the money.
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