You are probably here because you saw the promises made by the Enterprise CEO to help businesses get to an enterprise level through their coaching. And you are wondering if your 7-figure business will benefit from this offer.
We were also wondering what this offer is about and if it works as it was described. So we decided to delve deep into it and find out everything about the program to help you make an informed decision. Read on to find out more about how the Enterprise CEO offer works.
But before you read what I have to say about Enterprise CEO, let me give you a brief synopsis of what I think. What Brandon and Kaelin are going to teach you is how to scale your large business. For many of you reading this, it will mean hiring more staff, which may or may not make your stomach drop.
Here is a much better business model where you can replace your day-job all by yourself, without needing to hire anyone. On top of that, you own all the products, keep all the profits yourself, and takes less time to setup than ecommerce. I have a free video showing this business model here.
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is a much more AUTOPILOT model than Enterprise. But since you are here to learn about Enterprise CEO, lets get back to our review of that:
What is Enterprise CEO?
This is a program intended to guide and equip 7 to 8-figure businesses to scale and operate as enterprises. They help these businesses to create strong teams, leverage their time, increase profits significantly, and have a much higher brand reach.
Who are the Creators of the Program?

The program was created by a couple; Brandon and Kaelin Poulin. The two initially started a business called the LadyBoss. This was a brand that helped women with their weight loss goals.
In 2019, the LadyBoss was recognized as the 4th fastest growing company in the United States and they received an award from the American Business Awards and Inc. Magazine for this achievement. The company was later sold to Russel Brunson, the owner of ClickFunnels after operating for 4 years.
They have provided guidance in building teams in companies in the IT, finance, HR, marketing, and sales sectors. They have also consulted for huge brands like Billy Geene, Annie Grace, and Russel Brunson.
Brandon and Kaelin are staunch Christians, they currently reside in Texas with their two daughters.
How Does the Program Work?
You can get started by scheduling a strategy day with the team. During the strategy session, the couple will let you know how they can help you. Kaelin is the expert in converting customers and she will explain how her experience in building high converting lists, a huge community, and making millions in revenue through certain marketing strategies can work for your business.
Brandon who is more skilled at developing the organization will also come in to tell you how they will guide you to create sustainable company growth without burning out. He has the experience of building a productive team of 150 employees from scratch and he has also managed multiple product lines.
When you decide to join the program you will get access to a one-on-one mentorship that focuses on teaching you make business decisions based on the available statistics for your business. They will teach you how to identify important KPIs to make informed decisions.
They will also guide you to simplify and scale your business while lowering costs. This will help you to make bigger profits and fewer expenses in your business.
They don’t only help with the business framework, they also take a look at your products and help you to improve on current products or develop new ones that will connect to your target audience.
They will also help you recruit the right members for your team to strengthen your organizational structure. According to them, it will be easier to create a somewhat passive business if you have the right team by your side to get things done when you are not available. Thus, you will have more time to focus on other areas of your life and create the lifestyle you have always wanted.
They will also guide you on the strategic planning aspect of your business so that every role has a clear course of action to ensure smooth execution. They will guide you on how to make your business attractive to prospective buyers in case you decide to move on to something else. According to the creators, the sale of their LadyBoss brand was profitable and they want to make that option available to their mentees who do not want to be stuck to one business for the rest of their lives.
They will also help you to protect your net worth by guiding you to allocate your assets. They don’t want you to leave the money where it would not yield anything. So they will guide you to invest excess profits to set you up for lifetime financial stability.
What is the Cost of the Program?
The cost of the program is undisclosed and they will only reveal it during their call.
Refund Policy
There is no refund policy on their website. It is a good question to ask in case you book a call with them.

Should You Consider Investing In The Enterprise CEO?
Although the company barely has any reviews outside its website, the creators seem to have a solid strategy. They have explained how they will help you to take your business to the enterprise level and they seem to also have a track record.
The reviews on their website are also from well-known people such as Billy Geene and Russell Brunson who have built multi-million dollar companies. So we can consider these reviews as credible.
These reviews talked about how although they knew what they were doing, some aspects of their business needed some expert guidance. Brandon and Kaelin came in to offer them the help they needed to excel in those areas.
If the idea of working with Brandon and Kaelin sounds like something your business might benefit from, book a call, ask all the right questions, and see if it is what you are looking for.