Kevin David Net Worth

Kevin David is a serial entrepreneur, eCommerce specialist, Youtuber with almost 1.3 million subscribers, and an online business enthusiast where he constantly tries to find innovative ways to make money online.
He has worked with a few big entrepreneurs such as Russell Brunson from ClickFunnels and Gary Vaynerchuk. He has also been featured on Forbes and Entrepreneur Inc for his achievements in selling online.
But before I get into my review of Kevin David’s Amazon FBA Ninja Course, I need to be up front with you: I have major concerns with this business model. I have personal experience selling on Amazon, and I don’t recommend it to beginners.
Why? If you are new to making money online, you really need a more beginner friendly business model. It takes serious marketing chops to succeed on Amazon, and it is much more difficult than it once was. You you need a business model that pays you on autopilot without having to continually hustle to find new products to promote, deal with sales tax, refunds, shipping, etc.. Check out this video that shows you how to setup an autopilot business using google maps.
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than Amazon FBA Ninja Course. But since you are here to learn about Amazon FBA Ninja Course, lets get back to our review of that:
He is the founder of THATLifestyleNinja, a company and a movement with a mission to inspire and create more entrepreneurs so that normal people that are tired of their 9 to 5 job, can achieve something more meaningful in their life with financial independence.
It all started when he worked as an accountant during his 20’s at PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) and working 80 hours a week for someone else. This made him realize that this is not the life that he wants to live.
How did Kevin David Make His Money?

So is he legit? I would say totally yes because he has results to back his claims. He is one of ClickFunnels Two Comma Club which means he has generated more than 10 Million Dollars in revenue with Clickfunnel alone.
He got involved in Amazon, created his first product, and became one of the leading Amazon sellers in 30 days. Before that, he has some experience in Facebook advertising, Amazon affiliate marketing, and Google Ads.
After a few years, With his credentials as Amazon 8 Figures seller, he released his Amazon FBA course which is the Zon Ninja Masterclass.
How Much Does Kevin David’s Course Cost?

Zon Ninja Masterclass costs $2000. Kevin David created it to help beginners and someone interested in making money online with eCommerce start their own Amazon FBA business and grow it.
Before we go further, this course is based on the Amazon FBA business model. FBA means Fulfilled by Amazon.
This is amazing because we live in an age where we can start our own eCommerce business online easily. With the help of Amazon, the whole process becomes a lot easier.
The simple way to explain how Amazon FBA works is you as an entrepreneur, find and buy the products that you want to sell online in any quantities.
The next thing is for you to ship all of your products to the Amazon warehouse where they will keep your inventory in their warehouse, so this saves you capital for the warehouse.
And then, you promote and sell your products online, once people purchase your products, Amazon will ship the products directly to your customers.
So, it looks like most work is done by Amazon right? What is left for you to do?
The only thing that you need to do in this business model is to pick the right products, the right suppliers for your business, and just do the advertising work which is the promotion and the online selling.
Kevin’s aim with his Amazon FBA course is to help you build your own Amazon FBA store in the shortest amount of time and make it profitable.
To help you achieve this, he covers some important elements to make your business a success which are
- Comprehensive product research based on your niche choice.
- How to find the right supplier for your business
- Best practices to make your product launch a success
- Inventory strategies to make everything simple
- Marketing and advertising effectively to get good returns and sales.
- Branding strategy for your business long term growth
Zon Ninja Masterclass Content Breakdown

There are 8 big modules in this course plus some extra bonuses that I will go through below.
Module 1: Product Research

We all know that research is one of the important things that you need to do before deciding to get into any business, niche, or picking a product to be sold.
In eCommerce, product research is very crucial because if you pick the wrong product for your business, it will not give you the viral sales that you want.
There are a lot of components that you need to look at when choosing the right products to sell, some of them are competitors’ research, the demand for that specific kind of product, especially on social media.
Kevin starts this module with some video lessons on how to set up your business with LLC quickly so you can start buying home items and run the processes to make you big money.
Of course, everything needs to be legal thus that’s why before anything happens, he makes sure that you establish your business officially.
There are 3 parts to the first module which are
Part 1: The proper way to set up your Amazon Seller Central Account
Part 2: Advanced techniques for product research
Part 3: Things to consider after product research
Part 1:(Proper Amazon Seller Central Setup)
In this part, Kevin David shows you how to protect yourself against unexpected financial situations in the future by creating a limited liability company license (LLC).
One of the reasons is that by creating an LLC you will protect yourself in case you got sued by someone or an organization.
Another thing that he mentions in this part is some criteria of products that sell well with Amazon FBA.
Apart from that, psychology marketing with words and general pricing suggestions are also taught in the same part.
The first part ends with some general guides on trademarks and patents, some mistakes to avoid with your Amazon Seller Central account as well as some funding options for you to quickly launch your Amazon store as you need to buy some inventories for your business and other fixed and variable costs.
Part 2: (Advanced Product Research Training)

In this lesson, Kevin teaches the 3 simple methods to find Home-Run products to sell on Amazon using Jungle Scout, an amazing Amazon research tool that Kevin uses for product research.
He also reveals two other free tools that you can use to find profitable products, these are the same tools that made him fortune with Amazon FBA.
This part consists of 11 videos that focus heavily on advanced product research as there are many factors to consider when choosing a product so Kevin aims to give you the full tutorial and exposure on getting the right products so you can turn your store profitable.
Part 3: Things To Consider After Product Research
Kevin talks about some common mistakes that he made in the past in pricing the products and some other product settings on Amazon that can lead your account to suspension.
The other two things that he explains in this lesson is on surveying what customers want and their feedback with the same type of products as yours in Amazon as well as some calculation on Amazon’s fulfillment and warehousing fees for your products
Module 2: Suppliers and Shipping

This one-hour-long module is everything about your product listing and a full guide on finding suppliers for your products.
He takes you on the typical journey as an Amazon seller in the process of supplier identification as well as some fundamental things about shipping products in bulk, the costs, and many more.
There are also 3 parts in this module which are
- Everything that you need to know about product listing, manufacturers and shipping, payment processing.
- Best practices to find good suppliers and shipping companies
- Product inspection and overall check.
Part 1 : Everything about Product Listing, Manufacturers and Shipping as well as Payment Processing.
The part starts with an explanation of the differences between Universal Product Code(UPC) and FNSKU(Amazon version of UPC). The lesson continues with his recommendation on the quantity of the products that you need to purchase based on your plans.
He provides some templates that you can use when contacting manufacturers to get the best price for your products and to get them to respond to you quickly for your business inquiry.
The last thing is some payment methods that he suggests to avoid your money getting lost just in case the products do not arrive or any scam potential from the manufacturer.
Part 2 : Best Practices to Find Good Suppliers and Shipping Companies

In this part, Kevin gives a brief explanation about Alibaba and some filters and techniques that you can implement to get the best companies for your products and shipments.
This is important as you want a reliable and high-quality product supplier and just in case something goes wrong with the products, you will be eligible for a full refund on your purchase.
He also reveals some techniques that you can do to outsource the products at the lowest possible cost, negotiating tactics, and some tricks that you can do to order products below some specific standards that have been set by these suppliers.
A general lesson on China manufacturer VS American manufacturer ends this part of training.
Part 3 : Product Inspection and Overall Check
This part is quite short as he explains to you how to use third-party companies to make sure that your products meet specific quality and standards as well as an overall check before buying and shipping them in bulk.
Module 3: Product Listing, Product Ranking, and Site Optimization
In this module, Kevin shows you how to do product listing the right way so that your products will rank higher and in the right category and search based on what people search on Amazon.
He explains how to optimize your amazon site in terms of Search Engine Optimization(SEO) and the correct keywords strategy for your products to get more reach to the right audience.
This is one of the main components that most sellers that do not make enough sales to make a good return are lacking.
The 3 parts of this module are :
- Keynotes on creating new product listing
- How to create the best product listing and rank them high in Amazon
- A constant process of iteration, protection, and optimization of Keywords and Product listing
Part 1: Keynotes On Creating New Product Listing
Kevin begins the lesson with an explanation about your business branding and trademark and reveals the average cost if you want to get a trademark for your products.
When creating product listings, Kevin reveals some mistakes that you can avoid when you set the product prices. Other things that he mentioned are optimizing your product image to increase click-through rate and how to rank organically on Amazon.
Part 2: How To Create The Best Product Listing and Rank Them High In Amazon
For this part, Kevin explained why you need to pay attention to picking the right keywords for your products and the related keywords for them.
He demonstrates how you can double your result and rank your products high in the Amazon organic search using web-based keyword tools.
He also shows some formats that you can use for your products so that your future customers will find them more appealing thus increasing the chance for you to convert them into paying customers. Also, he shows you how to use upsells to increase your revenue and profit.
Furthermore, Kevin shares some lessons on how to create videos for your products as well as outsourcing them just as another strategy to attract customers even more.
Part 3: Constant Process For Your Keyword and Product listing
This part is rather a short focusing on how you can protect your listings from being hijacked by someone and how to handle the stock and inventory properly in the long run.
Module 4: Product Launch Strategy
In this module, Kevin reveals to you what he usually does during product launching and explains that organic keyword ranking is important but there are also other techniques that you can initiate to get results faster.
This includes some marketing and advertising to get your products in front of people fast and get momentum for your product ranking.
There are 2 parts to this module that focus solely on product launching strategy.
Part 1: Checklist Before Launching Your Product
Product video ads are important in his strategy, thus Kevin guides you on how to create profitable video ads and use them on Facebook ads.
As it is promoted on Facebook, to attract more customers, Kevin guides you to some marketing aspects that can give your business a boost without losing your money, one of them is by offering discounts via Facebook.
Part 2: Marketing Tips of Product Launching.
Part 2 takes you to advanced marketing tactics for your products, in here, Kevin shows you how to use the Clickfunnels landing page for your products to increase their conversion.
A guide to buying advertising from Amazon Marketing Service is also shown, well when trying to sell on Amazon, it is a good idea to work with them and pay them for some organic traffic boost toward your products.
The later part teaches you how to collect your customer’s mailing lists for future sales and some advertising strategies that you can implement based on your budget frame.
Module 5: Email Follow-Ups and Reviews
Product reviews are very important especially on Amazon, every time you decide to buy something on Amazon, you will always check the customer reviews first to make sure that the product is good right?
In this module, there are only 3 videos, but these videos show you thoroughly how you can increase your customer reviews with an email follow-up service. From this, he guides you to the email marketing part of the whole business process.
Another important thing that he covers is some terms and regulations from Amazon that you should always be cautious of so that you do not break any rules while trying to promote products or use your customer data for an activity that is not ethical.
Module 6: Amazon Marketing Service and PPC Ads

As an Amazon business, it is highly recommended to use Amazon marketing service for your product, Kevin explains how to use Amazon Marketing Service (AMS) to find keywords tailored to your product.
With all of the keywords, Kevin teaches you how to do pay-per-click advertising in the AMS platform step by step, and everything that you need to successfully launch a PPC campaign and optimize it toward your business.
Below are the 3 parts of this module
- Keynotes before setting up your Amazon PPC Campaign
- Tips to create a profitable PPC ads Campaign
- Optimizing PPC ads campaign
Part 1: Keynotes Before Setting Up Your Amazon PPC Campaign
Firstly, Kevin shares some general stuff about Amazon Marketing Service and reveals why most serious sellers on Amazon use AMS for their big business.
Then, Kevin demonstrates a quick way to set up Amazon Sponsored ads, Headline ads, and Product Search ads.
An extra tip from him is to use a credit card when spending money on ads because you will accumulate points from your ads spending that you can redeem for various credit card benefits such as traveling for free.
Part 2: Tips to Create A Profitable PPC Ads Campaign
This is where Kevin teaches you everything about PPC ads from the terms used to the keyword types that you should target when trying to advertise your products.
He includes a PPC cheat sheet to assist you with the learning, the lesson continues with him explaining manual targeting campaigns and automatic targeting campaigns.
As with auto-targeting, you do not have to do the work because Amazon will automatically do all the keyword targeting for you. For manual targeting, Kevin takes you through all of the steps that you need to do to create a manual targeting campaign.
Part 3: Optimizing PPC Ads Campaign
This part is rather short but it covers all of the fundamental technical things that you need to do to optimize your PPC ads campaign.
This is important because you want to cut out the keywords that are not producing sales and focus on the keywords that are doing well. This is to ensure that you do not overspend on ad budget that leads to zero results.
Module 7: Advanced Marketing Techniques
You can make a lot of sales with Amazon organic search and ads alone but Kevin takes you a step further in marketing your products, these advanced marketing techniques cover advertising on different platforms.
The 3 parts of the module are as follow:
- Building quality audience with Instagram Influencer Marketing
- Facebook Ads and Clickfunnels to drive traffic and make sales
- Marketing resources and email automation
Part 1: Building Quality Audience With Instagram Influencer Marketing
In this part, Kevin shares some tips on how to do shoutout promotion on Instagram using influencers in your product-specific niche and the average cost to acquire them. He also shows how to utilize Facebook groups for your niche audience.
Part 2: Facebook Ads and Clickfunnels to Drive Traffic and Make Sales
In this part, he teaches you how to do Facebook ads and use audience insight to specifically target your niche audience as well as using click funnels to improve the traffic conversion rate and collect their email address.
Part 3: Marketing Resource and Email Automation
Some marketing resources that would be helpful for you and some quick lessons on email automation with an autoresponder.
Module 8: Millionaire Seller Hack
The final module takes you to some business advancement tips that you can do to grow your amazon business even more.
This module covers some general topics and quick lessons that you can implement quickly not like any other heavy technical stuff in the previous model.
- High Video Quality and Information
- Step by Step Lesson in Creating Amazon FBA Business
- Kevin knows what he is doing
- Advanced marketing tactics for eCommerce business
- You need to be committed because the course price is not cheap, it is $2000 for the knowledge alone.
Final Thought
I would recommend Kevin’s Amazon FBA Ninja only if you have enough money to invest in his course plus an extra cost for advertising, inventory purchase, and the setup of the business itself.
It is a long and informative course that is very hard to find out there, he also adds bonus resources and helps once you get inside the member area.
If you are on a limited budget, I would suggest going for some cheaper courses out there about dropshipping or a low-cost eCommerce business model.