When you hear the title asset control specialist, you probably think about professionals responsible for managing and disposing assets of financial institutions in conservatorship. But for this case we’re talking about specialists who provide matchmaking services in the real estate market.
Ryan Sloper and his partner Ryan Fletcher, help buyers find properties and sellers find potential buyers and cash in on the difference, making them asset control specialists. They embarked on the trade after discovering that the ability to control the asset gives one an advantage in the real estate market.
As a result, they developed a 30-day course to help investors who would like to venture in this business learn how to do it and make money. Here’s a detailed review of the course.
Now, before you read what I have to say about Asset Control Specialist, let me let you in on a little secret: there are 2 categories of real estate: physical and digital. Imagine if you could rent out DIGITAL properties. I’m talking about renting out properties that exist ONLINE only (not in the physical world). You may not know this, but properties like this can get you much higher rent, and there are no property taxes, no repair costs, no homeowners insurance, and the profits can be MUCH greater: Digital Real Estate Video Here.
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this:
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than the Asset Control Specialist course. But since you are here to learn about Asset Control Specialist, lets get back to that:
Who are Ryan Sloper and Ryan Fletcher?
Ryan and Ryan are the developers of the 30-day Asset Control Specialist course. Ryan Fletcher handles the marketing aspect while Sloper deals with the investment component of the business.
So, if you’re looking for investment advice, e.g. how to identify a property, evaluate it, or the best best property to pursue, you’ll need to talk to Sloper. Fletcher, on the other hand, will help you put the property out there. He is responsible for creating Facebook ads, copywriting, and doing direct response marketing.
Fletcher discovered the opportunity during the 2008-2009 recession, when he was at the brink of losing everything. He had been working as a real estate agent, but with the housing prices plummeting, he nearly lost everything.
It was then when his Dad’s friend introduced him to the asset control profession, a job that has helped him sustain his family to date.
What is Asset Control Specialist Course?
This is a 30-day course that teaches you how to become an asset control specialist. You acquaint yourself with the basics of real estate investing and ways you can leverage this knowledge to become an investor.
Once you sign up, Sloper will send an email with a short video explaining how you’ll do it. He’ll show you how to evaluate the properties and find a suitable one for sale or purchase. Having handled over 180 projects, he’s quite experienced in the trade and knows exactly what to do.
At the time of writing this article, he and Fletcher were managing eight properties which they estimated would generate a net profit of $350,000. However, he warns students to adapt a business mindset because some properties don’t always turn a profit.
Sometimes they fall short of the expected targets hence the need to focus on the whole portfolio of projects, not individual projects. Fletcher points out that you don’t buy the properties; rather, you only need to control them.
Sloper helps you create marketing funnels after two weeks to make it easy to control both sides of the market (buying and selling of the property) and become a matchmaker. On the one hand, you offer to buy a house from people facing bankruptcy, foreclosure, or tax default, and negotiate a selling price with a prospective buyer.
On the other hand, you run another ad looking for a buyer, to program Facebook’s algorithm to make it easy to find assets you want to control. The idea is to have both parties pay a little more and cash in on the difference.
What is the Cost of Asset Control Specialist Course?
Sloper and Fletcher charge $147 for the course which is exclusive of the cost of running Facebook ads. On average a Facebook ad costs $5 a day so, if you’re running an ad for 10 days, you may need to add $50.
What Do Others Think About Asset Control Specialist Course?
You’re probably wondering if there are other people who have bought the course, applied the investment method, and earned a decent income. After extensive research, I couldn’t find any customer reviews about the course.
Should I Invest in Asset Control Course? My Verdict
I love the concept of controlling an asset in a real estate deal. It gives you an upper hand because you don’t have to rely on market forces to make money. And the fact that Fletcher and his partner have done it for nearly a decade shows this is a lucrative venture for anyone who puts his mind to it. I also love that they show you how to run Facebook ads both as a seller and buyer to gain full control of the deal. However, I’d have loved to see customer reviews of people who have purchased the course, applied the tactics, and made money. Also, the fact that the course doesn’t have a refund policy is somewhat alarming. I’d recommend investing in the course with a grain of salt.