Who Is Brian Page?
He is the author of the BNB Formula course, an AirBNB course found at bnbformula.com. He has been investing in real estate since 2001, so he knows a thing or two about it!
However, that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to recommend his course (read below).
What is BNB Formula?
The BNB Formula claims that after going through its eight weeks of weekly training, the student has the opportunity to make six figures in six months. It says it has everything the student would need and is a powerful formula to help the student learn everything he needs to know about leveraging the AirBNB business, put everything into action over the course of eight weeks of training then make SIX figures in the first SIX months.
But… before you read what I have to say about BNB Formula, imagine if you could rent out DIGITAL airbnb properties. I’m talking about renting out properties that exist ONLINE only (not in the physical world). Properties like this can get you much higher rent, and there are, no property taxes, no repair costs, no homeowners insurance, and the profits can be MUCH greater: Digital Real Estate Video Here.
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than BNB Formula. But since you are here to learn about BNB Formula, lets get back to our review of that:
Ok, back to BNB formula. I asked my Student, Robert, to review this program for me and my readers.
This is what Bob reported back: Excited, I started out the journey learning all I can and while still in the middle of learning the ropes, I made some appointments with landlords, realtors, real estate agents, apartment managers to secure properties I can use to rent out as temporary vacation rentals. I spoke to numerous people but either they said, it’s not allowed in their city or the other tenants and neighbors would not approve of converting the properties into an AirBNB place. I even learned that neighboring hotels frown on this idea because they see fierce competition. I did arrange for cleaners to clean the units once the tenant leaves. I even scouted for locksmiths to install a remote digital locking device on the properties so I could operate the locks remotely. Coming to the end of the eight weeks, I had everything laid out including the contracts, forms, ads templates, and how I would attack the market. I got many refusals and my son, who was helping me learned that certain major cities i.e. Santa Monica & many cities in Los Angeles county. Even if I own a residential property, I would still need approval from the city if I want to convert it to a short-term rental property for neighborhood “security reasons”, which I think is illogical.
Anyway, the BNB Formula has 8 weekly video training modules. It covers 9 BNB toolkits i.e. deal analyzer,

forms, templates, and contracts. It has bonus tips that has 15 pre-recorded videos plus 1 audio. It has 23 recordings (they call Vault) of past & ongoing training webinars.

Module 1 has 6 videos & talks about preparation and details the 9 essential tools before building the BNB business.
Module 2 has 5 videos and discusses how the student should go about partnering with landlords, apartment managers, and homeowners to secure properties to convert to short-term rental units. It also details partnering with cleaners and lock installers.
Module 3 has 6 videos and speaks about how to go about in looking for the perfect BNB listing and the types of properties that are money makers, and which properties to avoid.
Module 4 has 7 videos and teaches about how to stage the property after it has been secured. It talks about furnishing the property very inexpensively and how to get it ready for guests.
Module 5 has 7 videos that teaches on how to get your property listed properly in AirBNB, calendar hacks not only for maximum occupancy but also for high occupancy rates. The module also teaches how to write titles and descriptions so that the listing gets more clicks.
Module 6 has 7 videos and it speaks about examining details before starting to accept guests. It also gives more tips on pricing strategies and how to get more days filled. More importantly, it trains the student on how to get 5-star ratings from the guests even if the rate is less than 5 star.
Module 7 has 7 videos and it teaches on how to delegate 95% of the day to day tasks so the student can get more properties listed by way of outsourcing and automation. It claims that if the student gets this right, he is likely ready for the final training module.
Module 8 has 7 videos and it covers how to rinse and repeat. It goes over troubleshooting problems and how to fix them. This also teaches on how the student can scale the business up.

The future student is encouraged to invest in this course because of the following reasons:
- The student can already earn while learning.
- The ability to interact with other BNB Formula members all over the world.
- No technical special skills or experience necessary as it isn’t a technical business and every relevant information is provided.
- It’s a blueprint so the student will be taught on what to do with weekly achievable tasks.
The BNB Formula Three Secrets:
It says that there are 3 secrets that are revealed in this course that makes it attractive to invest in namely, Leverage, Outsourcing, and Automation.
- Leverage – one can leverage his properties to rent out on a nightly-basis and by using the AirBNB popular platform. The student does not have to invest in any property and still generate income from properties he does not own. It claims that $3000-4000 monthly is very possible.
- Outsourcing – the student will learn how outsourcing 95% of his day to day tasks can maximize and scale up the business.
- Automation – the student will be able to set up a checklist of all mundane work thru automation so he does not need to hire employees. He partners up with the landlord, the house cleaners, the locksmith company, and AirBNB itself such that the 40 to 50 hours of managing his AirBNB business is automated to trim it down to only a few hours a week.
My take on the BNB Formula:
I like the way the training modules are organized that it’s really a blueprint that one can just follow. The course did not leave any stone unturned as they provided every form, template, information, and tips the student would need to be successful in the short-term rental business.
If it hadn’t been for the restrictions in my county (Los Angeles), I would have pursued the business.
Would I recommend this course?
To be completely fair, I give this course a 9.5 out of 10 rating and I definitely would recommend it to anyone who is interested in having short-term rental properties to rent out without the need to buy real properties. I see this as a legitimate business and course to pursue for anyone to take advantage of if he or she is in an area that AirBNB is not banned.
How to Profit from DIGITAL Real Estate Instead:
My real recommendation, though, is that you follow this business model instead.
It works almost exactly the same as physical real estate, but because it is digital, you don’t have to hassle with driving from property to property, or real estate market highs and lows. You get to own income producing digital real estate without the headaches of property taxes, repairs, and mortgages. And best of all, it works on autopilot once you get it all setup.
The word “digital real estate” might sound like you need to be a computer genius to do it, but you don’t need any tech skills to do this. Read more about it here!