Hearing the name Grant Cardone University the first thing that I thought of is that it was some type of College, and I guess that’s true. According to their website page, About Grant Cardone: Article; About Cardone University “Cardone University is suited for anyone who wants to get more out of life and business. Artists, Automotive Salespeople, Doctors, Roofers, Phone Salespeople, and anyone else who has a dream that needs to be brought to market will benefit from the 800+ courses available. There are many Cardone University Reviews out there but we’re going to give you an extremely detailed view into the course so you can be fully prepared if you’re considering it.
But before you read more about Inbound Cardone University, let me teach you how to setup an online business that doesn’t depend on you being tied to the phone all day. In fact, I’m the one HIRING inbound closers and they are begging to work for me. Why? Because of this business model which makes the phone ring off the hook with more calls than one inbound closer can handle: Full Video Here
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than Cardone University. But since you are here to learn about Cardone University, lets get back to our review of that:
With 24/7 access, users can leverage the expertise of Grant Cardone for their business. Courses on prospecting, sales, negotiation, closing, money and finances, and motivation are just some of what’s offered inside this premier business training platform.” This sounds pretty impressive but who is Grant Cardone?

Meet Grant Cardone
Quoting the Article, About Grant Cardone found on the About Grant Cardone Page He is known as “International speaker, sales trainer, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule & creator of 21 best-selling business programs, Grant Cardone owns & operates seven privately held companies and a $1.4B portfolio of multifamily properties. Named the #1 marketer to watch by Forbes Magazine, Cardone is also the founder of The 10X Movement & The 10X Growth Conference, the world’s largest business & entrepreneur conference.
Grant Cardone’s holdings include Cardone Enterprises which is the CEO and Founder. His primary business being Cardone Training Technologies which assists companies in customizing their sales process to be more effective.
He also owns and operates Cardone University, Cardone Capitol, Cardone Acquisitions and Grant Cardone T.V. Network. He has reportedly built a $1.4B Dollar Empire through his companies and his Real Estate Investments and has a personal Net Worth of $300 Million. His Background is in sales that he obtained as a Car Salesman.
Grant Cardone is very active on just about every Social Media Platform. You can find Him on YouTube like I did. Here is His YouTube Channel that will supply you with a list of Social Media Links.

Cardone University Free Trial

As you can see in the above picture Cardone University Offers a Free trial so I signed up to give it a try and here is what I got in reply. It is Far from a free trial
————————————————- I just got your request for more information on Cardone University. Let’s connect on a quick call – Click Here to setup a time that works best for you. Tiffany Smith Sales Manager | Cardone University Sent from my iPhone —————————————————————- |
As you can see there is no mention of a free trial, they just want to set up a call to try and sell you on a product that you basically know very little about.
What You Get
What I have been able to learn is that here is what you will get once you have a paid membership.
- How to Reignite Sales in a Down Economy
- How to WIN in Business after COVID-19
- Learn How to Run a Remote Team
- Identify the Secret to Getting Your Partners on the Same Page
- Learn to Stay Positive AND Motivated Each Day
- How to Access the FED Stimulus Money
- Learn to Scale Your Business Without Sacrificing Profit
- Discover how the new SBA loans work to get money FAST
- Over 800 Video courses
- Unlimited access to courses available online
- In-House Coaching Team
What Other People are Saying!
There are no shortage of reviews out there for Cardone University, one only has to type in search “Cardone University Reviews and you are hit with a plethora of Reviews. Lets see what people are saying.
Here is a review and the comments are not all that flattering.

If I were to base my decision solely on this review I would definitely not buy in. Searching the internet for more reviews I came across this one.

I am finding it very hard to find reviews that are positive,however after an in depth search I came across Reviews on INDEED.COM and to my surprise They are all Positive. Here is one example but there are more. Finding only positive reviews on Indeed.com leaves me a bit confused and wondering if Indeed is only posting the Positive

Cardone University Pricing
There is no clear Price guide to the courses that are offered. From what I can find you could be paying anywhere from $999.00 to as much as $10,000 depending on the course and certification that you choose (Information from Indeed Reviews).
Wrapping it Up
After countless searches and reading tons of reviews I have come to the conclusion that for me, Cardone University would not be worth the expense. I have read many times on Reddit Reviews that the same information being taught by Cardone University can be gleaned from almost any sales book found on Amazon. That being the case my next stop is Amazon to see exactly what books can be found there on increasing sales.
I hope that this has been helpful to you if you were considering joining Cardone University, I know that writing it was very helpful to me in making a decision. Good luck in your endeavors and I hope to see you again.