You may have heard about ‘iBuumerang’ — a brainchild of Holton Buggs. It’s a site that offers travel booking services and lets you earn money through referrals. It works similar to many MLM (multi level marketing) companies. Many people ask whether it’s legitimate, wondering if they can really profit from it. Read on to find out the truth.
Now, I need to be frank with you. I have been making money online for over 20 years, and I have major concerns with the Holton Buggs (iBuumerang) business model.
My main concern with iBuumerang is the same concern I have with other MLMs: you make money based on selling someone else’s product. Essentially, the harder you work, the bigger the OTHER person’s business gets. Since you only make money by selling someone else’s product, the product owners may not pay you. They may change their commission structure or even remove their products from the market. I have PERSONALLY had all these things happen. To avoid these pitfalls and learn a business model that puts you in total control, click here! You keep all the profits and you own all the products. Plus, it takes less time to set up than a Holton Buggs (iBuumerang) business. It even uses a loophole in the Google Maps system to get you automatic monthly payments. Video Here.
My teenage kids even make money with this business model!
What Is iBuumerang?

iBuumerang is a multi-level marketing company owned by Holton Buggs. It originated in 2019 at Huston. They provide guests with a travel booking program as well as offering services like flight booking, cars, cruises, hotel accommodation, and a wide range of other activities.
Who Is Holton Buggs?
Born to a single mother in the USA (Tampa, Florida), Holton Buggs had a knack for entrepreneurship from an early age. He delivered newspapers, sold candy, cut people’s hair, and undertook a multitude of other errands just to make some cash.
His life changed, however, when he started hiring other people to sell candy for him. However, instead of paying his employees with money, Holton gave free haircuts to those who agreed to sell candy for him.

Although he wasn’t successful at first, with time, patience, and a strict work ethic he kept moving forward until he was starting to earn a hefty sum of money.
He worked hard to build companies like Organo Gold and Your Travel Biz. Unfortunately, due to multiple setbacks, he and the businesses had to part ways in the end. Despite this, he was continually resilient, deciding to cement his legacy by building the empire now known as iBummerang.
His current net worth is around 80 million dollars; an astounding number for someone who started out with nothing.
What to Expect When You Enter iBuumerang?
As you surf the website you will be amazed to see the lucrative offers they extend; claiming to be providing 35% discounts on hotels, travel, and other activities in comparison to other travel booking sites.
You work your way on iBuumerang just like you surf through any travel website like Expedia, Kayak, etc. Good thing is that the prices can be compared when it comes to hotels and car rentals. The authorities of iBuumerang offer rate lower than the majority of travel sites, which is a lucrative deal.
Now you might ask whether the subscription fee is free or whether it’s like most online earning sites which will ask for some sort of money to enroll in their program. While iBuumerang is no exception, it does have a free entry for visitors who just want to enjoy the services without profits.

To earn money, you will have to acquire a membership deal, which comes at a cost. We will talk about it later.
How Does It Work and What Is the Cost of Membership?
To generate money while sitting at home, you will have to enroll in iBuumerang’s premium membership. These memberships allow you to pick the number of boomerangs you want to recieve.
- Coach Class: $250 at one or $49.95/month, including 5 boomerangs
- Business Class: $500 at once or $99.99/month, including 25 boomerangs
- First Class: $1000 at once or $99.99/month, including 100 boomerangs
Boomerangs are used as referrals to your potential clients. Once they use the boomerang to enter and book through iGo, you will recieve your commission. The theory is simple. The more you spend on membership, the more boomerangs you have, which increases your chances of earning further money.
Is It a Scam Pyramid Scheme or a Practical Earning Method?
According to my investigation of different blogs and user experiences, it is fair to say that it is not a scam. However, if you are expecting a bulk of money at one go, then you might be disappointed.
The reason for this is that MLM modules such as this include pyramid selling; therefore, the more you generate sales, the more commissions you receive.
Unfortunately, it requires a lot of work to reach the top of the pyramid. To make more money than a regular job’s salary, you will have to have a superior networking and marketing strategy. More importantly, you will have to subscribe to memberships that cost more.
There are many ways to earn from iBuumerang. Some of the compensation moduli areas such.
Referral Bonus
Once you refer someone, you will be able to extract a 25% bonus as commission.
- Travel Saving Cash Reward
If you’ve used your boomerang on someone and they use it to book a holiday routine and travel modes, you will likely get 50 to 100 percent of the cash. Keep in mind that the commission limit depends on the membership type.
- Recruiting Bonus
Do you have friends who are willing to earn money as well? You can invite them and get more bonuses. For example, if any of your referrals turn out to be a coach, you will get $20. It goes up to $80 if they decide to go for first-class membership.
- Team Bonus
You can form a team and let them work for you to gather more money. It’s like hiring someone to recruit more people to work for iBuumerang. The more effort your team makes, the more you get paid.
My Thoughts
My suggestion to people who want to make money through Holton Buggs’s iBuumerang, then I would suggest you examine your regular job first. If you have a secure job but want to do some side work, then this could be for you.
It is commissioned-based work so you won’t be earning 5-6 figures annually, and you need to have a sales skill set to hit potential customers.