In this review, we will talk about Perpetual Income 365 by Shawn Josiah. I’m going to tell you right off the bat that my main problem with this course is that Shawn’s primary method involves solo ads, which are extremely difficult to make money with these days (if not impossible). He is not up front about that in his marketing which is a major problem for me.
Before I go any further, check out this business model here. It has been working for me since before solo ads were even invented! It involves a loophole in the google maps system that not many know about.
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than Perpetual Income 365. But since you are here to learn about Perpetual Income 365, lets get back to our review of that:
Anyay, lets get into the details of this course, if you are ok with the solo ads concept. Is it a legit affiliate marketing course or just another course that is designed for the creator to make quick bucks by offering you little to no value lessons? We will figure it out together in this review.

What is Perpetual Income 365?
Perpetual Income 365 is a plug-and-play affiliate marketing software and system that is created to help affiliate marketers from beginner to advanced level make 5 figures per month with affiliate marketing using email marketing as the main strategy.
It is created by Shawn Josiah to help people achieve financial freedom by promoting other people’s products on the internet.
This system promises you to make $430 every single day without any technical skill and any prior experience in this field, you do not even need a website because as explained by Shawn Josiah in his sale video, everything that you need is in the software.
This system talks a lot about MCCA, Shawn regarded this system as the ultimate MCCA toolbox to create recurring income and long-life income for any people who use this system.
So what is the meaning of MCCA?
Shawn describes that MCCA stands for Micro-Commitment Consistency Compounding Algorithm. He said this formula is an unusual way of making money online and it is inspired by his previous work as a developer in Netflix.
Before we go even further into the review, let’s investigate who Shawn Josiah is.
Who is Shawn Josiah (Singapore)?

Shawn Josiah himself looks like a legit guy, he claims that he is a millionaire and a 7 Figures online entrepreneur, well he backed up his claim with his two times Clickbank Platinum Circle member, which means that for each platinum plate that he received, it is a certification from Clickbank that he has made at least $500,000 with Clickbank that year.

He also has his website where he explains everything about himself, but from the homepage itself, he is promoting his Perpetual Income 365 system, so when I landed up on his website, it just looks like another sales page of a Clickbank product rather than a website of a good company or personal brand.
He claims that he is well known in affiliate marketing and has helped hundreds of people with his affiliate marketing course, and in the Perpetual Income 365, he is going to share with you the lessons that can make you a 365 days income machine. He used his previous experience working as a developer with Netflix to create the system.
That is quite a big claim to make, right? And what does Netflix have to do with its affiliate marketing program?
What Is The Content Of The Course?

The picture above is a screenshot of the member area, it might look blurry so I will explain the course content to you.
In Perpetual Income 365, you will have access to complete training on affiliate marketing and email marketing.
The most surprising fact that I learn from his course is that he is teaching people to do email marketing using Solo Ads as the main traffic source.
In my opinion, Solo Ads is not a reliable traffic source because you are buying traffic from some other guy’s email list, thus there are a lot of potential problems that will emerge once you pick this kind of traffic source.
One of them is that the seller might fake the traffic clicks with bots and you will not even know it because they can generate leads for your mailing list even though most of the users that they send you are bots.
So if you want to use Solo Ads, you need to know the person that you are doing the business with and that seller needs to have a lot of positive reviews from past customers.
One other fishy thing is that, why would someone sell their mailing list if they are making a lot of money from them? Think about that.
How To Implement The System?
Shawn designed the system so that it is fully automated for you, the things that you need to do are just to follow his steps and once you do that, you are all set.
The first thing that you need to do is to select your niche and product, from his training, he only uses Clickbank as an example, he even gives you an option to integrate your Clickbank account to your account in Perpetual Income 365 system to make everything smooth.
These are the recommended niches that he suggests in the training, which are evergreen and will make you money in the long run
- Health
- Wealth and Make Money Online
- Relationship and Dating

The next step is to choose an email autoresponder, the one that he recommends is Getresponse and for this matter, I agree with him, Getresponse is a great autoresponder when it comes to email marketing because it is one of the autoresponders that ensure the deliverability of your emails to your email list.
A good thing from this lesson is he gives you access to free 30 days Getresponse trial so that you can test it out first before purchasing the autoresponder software monthly plan, one thing to note is that you will only have limited access to some features in the trial plan so you will not get the full picture of the software
But the trial is enough if you just want to send a simple email to your subscriber list and build your list.
The next step is to use the perpetual asset multiplier which is provided to you in the system, it is a landing page builder to create your one-page website to drive traffic to.
The irony is that Getresponse also has its landing page builder and when I compare between Getresponse landing page builder and the Perpetual Asset Multiplier, the only difference is just in the ease of use of Perpetual Asset Multiplier compared to the Getresponse one.
One other thing is that he provided you with already made design and templates for each niche that you are decided to involved in, either make money online niche or health and fitness niche, the templates are already there, you just need to customize a few things such as headline and the text on your one-page website.
The next step is to use their Email Atm, this is just a lesson on how you can activate various plugins in your email autoresponder which is in this case, Getresponse.
He also provided email swipes for you to choose from but all of the swipes are tailored toward promoting Perpetual Income 365 in the make money online niche which is quite suck, to be honest.
The next step is toward 5 Click Page Money Adds on, in this lesson, Shawn will guide you toward more technical steps that you need to set up on your one-page website to make the most money from your webpage.
And the last step is to create the Money Page that will be making most of the work for you, all you do now is to customize and set your money pages and just drive traffic toward them to make money, it might not be as easy it sounds but this is what Shawn promises his students.
There are 2 bonus steps in the system that will complete the entire process, it is not supposed to be bonus steps in my opinion because, without these two, the money-making process will not be completed.
The first bonus is the money mindset training video, this video is just Shawn teaching you how to change your mindset from scarcity to abundance. In this training, he talks about making money in general, and according to him, money is just a change of hand and once you understand his proposed rule on the laws of money-making, then you will make a lot of money.
The second bonus is the Traffic Crusher, now it’s time to drive the traffic to your one-page website. As I mentioned before, the entire system is going to be affiliate marketing using email marketing, so what traffic source is closely related to email? Yes, Solo Ads!
This is the most important part to get right if you want to make money, in this lesson, Shawn will teach you everything that you need to do about Solo Ads and where to get them, the commonplace that Shawn recommends beginners to choose Solo Ads from is Udimi but there are other options as well.
One of the key things in the lesson is to choose the Email list owner that is legit and has many positive feedbacks from their customers.
Messing up with this part will make you lose money as you will spend money on buying Solo Ads and they are not cheap.
Once you get the traffic, if you manage to collect some leads from the traffic, the leads will automatically be submitted to your email autoresponder with 31 days of email follow-up, just to maximize the sales from continuous email marketing.
Pricing Of Perpetual Income 365

The initial price for this system is $9, it is quite cheap when you take a glance look at what the system offers, but do not be tricked by his marketing tactic.
Once you get inside the platform, you will be charged $47 per month as a membership price to just continue using the basic access and tools in the platform.
Furthermore, once you purchased the $9 basic Perpetual Income 365, they will try to upsell you to more expensive products of up to $600. If you decide to promote the system, you will get $430 if you manage to make sales of all upsells.
Remember their promise that they will teach you how to make $430 per day online, this is the answer, by promoting Perpetual Income 365 and making commissions on all upsells.
Is Perpetual Income Legit?
In my opinion, it is not a scam but Shawn needs to be transparent with their students because making money online with affiliate marketing especially using Solo Ads is almost impossible nowadays.
This is because people are used to spam emails and they will most probably ignore them, another thing to mention is that most of the Solo Ads that are available out there could be bot traffics or overused email lists that the owners do not care about anymore, so to get some money from them, they will sell Solo Ads to newbies.
If you want to learn affiliate marketing or make money online, there are better options that you can pick out there and for the monthly price that you need to pay just to stay as Perpetual Income 365 member which is $47, you can use that money on Getresponse because this two software do the same stuff.
But in case you got a few hundred dollars to spare in testing out affiliate marketing with Solo Ads, then you can do it, but if you ask me, I would spend that few hundred dollars on starting up a business using this technique instead (been working for me since 2011!)