TJ is currently offering a product called Success club and after all that I have heard about Todd Johnson I had to check it out. I went to and clicked the tab at the top Labeled Success Club. I wanted to find out more. I was expecting the standard, fill out the form and get an email with either a free trial of the Latest Gimmick you know the schedule a call thing but no not this time. I was surprised at what I found. The message said SOLD OUT.
It has been sold out for a LONG time. So if you want to learn how to setup an online business NOW and not wait for TJ to re-open, watch this video that shows you a simple way to set one up. It uses a little known Google Maps technique to get you setup within months.
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than TJ Millionaire Mentor Success Club. But since you are here to learn about TJ Millionaire Mentor Success Club, lets get back to our review of that:
I thought yea right. I filled in my info and I was expecting the same ole thing, an email telling me that I was in luck there was one more seat available and I could get in.

Did I say that I would get an email telling me that I was lucky and there was one seat available, well guess what I was WRONG here is the email I got
Hey Emmitt, Congratulations! Your opportunity to experience Financial Freedom is here. I am happy to see that you’ve joined our community of entrepreneurs, and those aspiring to be. Stick close to your e-mail for the latest business tips, advice and insights sent to you, and be one of the first to be notified when The Success Club returns. See you online! Your Millionaire Mentor, TJ |
What the Heck? I was blown away. It was actually SOLD OUT finally someone who was not out just to get as many people to sign up as possible. He was really only accepting X amount of students. I am speechless, well almost.
TJ Millionaire Mentor Net Worth
I first heard about TJ Millionaire Mentor on YouTube, He was talking about something called The 10 Day Challenge, but challenge to do what? I wanted to find out more about TJ, Things like his net worth and how he made his millions. So have a look and see what I discovered.

This Is Todd Johnson “TJ”
Todd Johnson A.K.A. TJ Millionaire Mentor. Tj grew up in a suburb of Columbia S.C. The son of a single mother, they lived in Low-income housing. At age 11 Tj’s Family moved to San Francisco. He remarried and the family moved back to S.C a little over one year later. Todd (TJ) got his first job by cutting class to mow lawns and rake leaves. Tj says that the only way he would make money was to keep knocking on doors. Todd recalls that making his own money made him feel independent and that he could control his own destiny.
While in the Air Force Todd studied Computer Science taking night classes. Building and selling computers on his own although he did make money because large companies like Dell came along and this endeavour did not last long, It was time to move on.
Taking a 3rd shift job at a telecommunications company Todd would come in during his off hours as a volunteer in other departments learning as much as he could.
Todd was recruited to work with a Government Contractor where he made a name for himself. This led to his first Lasting Business. TJ credits his success to four things. Grit, Vision, Execution and Focus.
How did TJ Make his Millions

TJ started the company Intact Technology Inc. located in Reston, VA, United States and is part of the Information Technology Services Industry. Intact Technology, Inc. has 80 total employees across all of its locations and generates $45.86 million in sales (USD). Numerous Real Estate investments have helped bolster his Portfolio. As of Today Tj Millionaire Mentor has a net worth that is North of $75 Million. He says that he is not done yet. TJ says He’s passionate about using YouTube and social media to “educate” the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Lavish Lifestyle
TJ lives the lavish lifestyle recently purchasing a mansion In Beverly Hills that he refers to as humble. Tj has a love of cars and has an unbelievable collection.

Let’ Wrap it Up
I must admit I am impressed. This guy came from very humble beginnings and created a $75 Million Dollar empire and I don’t see him slowing down. He offers a course called TJ Millionaire Mentor Success Club. I was not able to gather very much information about the success club but I am waiting for the next email telling me the course is open again. I will keep you Informed. I am truly inspired! If I had the opportunity to sit down with him I would jump on it.
TJ Millionaire Mentor appears to be the real deal. Admittedly I may be a little envious or even a bit jealous but then who wouldn’t be? Thanks for stopping in and I hope to see you next time. Until then keep plugging away and who knows you could be the next self made millionaire.
You don’t have to wait for TJ to re-open, watch this video AND START an online business now. The video on the next page will show you how to do it.