Other Strategies

Nasty Linkedin Rejection Goes Viral

They don’t mention the word “linkedin” in this video, (maybe linkedin pushed them for that?) but the message that she sent out to the girl was actually on Linkedin.

Shows how you need to be careful with what you say these days, especially because everything online is saved, copied, reposted, etc!!

If you want to know how to get tons of connection requests on autopilot, as well as dominating Linkedin for your market, you need my video course.

It will enable you to get a steady stream of leads from Linkedin. This is crucial if you are an inbound closer or rely on inbound leads for your business. Includes custom made software for automating many linkedin tasks. Shows you how to dominate Linkedin search so you show up on top for your target market.

REGISTER for the video course here:


Stephen Colbert talks about my Youtube Technique??

Did you see the video of Colbert talking about youtube comments?

My wife and I were cracking up at this video just now! No matter what your politics are, you gotta love Colbert.

But seriously, you may not know this: Colbert’s silly youtube prank is actually very close to how my students ranked Youtube videos in the past!

We would use much higher quality comments, but we would simply place comments on high pagerank youtube videos. Usually when you hit 30 or 40 comments, your youtube videos and sometimes your entire youtube account page would rank on the first page of google. I’m oversimplifying the technique here, but the reality is, it was very easy to rank.

Well, google shut all this down with the new comment system.

But, GOOD NEWS, they made it even better when they brought google plus into the picture. There are some very powerful techniques now available with the new system that I will teach you.

It is now EVEN EASIER to rank youtube videos.

Local Search

Local Marketers get SUED

You haven’t ever done anything like this have you? LOL

The fact is, these fake review companies are doing this for a very good reason (not that I encourage this practice)


Because this is one of the big changes recently to the Google Plus Local algorithm.

They are factoring “reviewer authority” into the ranking.

That means not all reviews are created equal. If your reviewer account has certain signals of “authority” your review can push a business up in the rankings much easier than other accounts.

Fake review companies create their own authority accounts, to easily game ranking on Google and Yelp.

We recently created a video about this in my Google Plus Local Course.

In this video we teach you how to increase your reviewer authority, and how to get these powerful authority reviews on your own business, or your client’s business.

BEST OF ALL, You can do this without getting SUED when you follow our methods (our techniques work WITH google on this, not against them).

(PREVIOUS CUSTOMERS: we constantly update the videos in this course, so if you haven’t been inside the members area in a while,  you should jump in now and watch the updates)