This is a video that I made a very long time ago about the life cycle of a domain. Every single domain name goes through various stages when the owner decides he or she does not want it anymore. Even though the video was made a long time ago, the facts are still the same about the stages of a domain name. The technology behind domain names has not changed very much over the last couple of decades. But understanding the terminology and the various stages that I discussed in this video will help you a lot if you are trying to drop catch domains or purchase expired domains to revive and reuse.
Believe it or not page two domains are still a huge part of successful businesses on the internet. Google still has a sandbox that limits new domain names from ranking easily in their search engine. As a result many people go and try to get expired domains or old domains and use them for their new projects to avoid this sandbox delay. But in order to do all of this successfully you need to understand the basic facts about the stages that a domain name goes through before you would be able to acquire it and use it for your own. So sit back, take notes, and get ready to learn about the stages of a domain names life cycle.
There are many different terms used to explain the status of domains: Expired, redemption, dropped etc. If you are going to buy up used domains you need to know what each of these things mean. I put together this video to explain the various terms, what they mean, and how you can use them for your benefit.
I will be releasing a MAJOR update to my Domain Tweak course next week.
Watch for Your Special Upgrade link on Wednesday, January 12
For existing Domain Tweak customers: You already got your upgrade link via email. Email chadwarrior (gmail) if you didn’t.