
Screenshots of Money I’ve Made From My Domain Tweak Techniques

The majority of the money in these screenshots was because of the techniques I outline in a course I created about creating your own link network.

I’ve been using these techniques for a LONG time (and continue to use them today on my niche sites).

And if you ever hear someone say that building and owning your own link network does not work Oh, do not believe them. The main question you should be asking yourself is do I want to bother owning my own link Network or would I rather find one that is safe to utilize. Either way, link Network backlinks work. The main risk is that the link Network owner starts doing something stupid and ends up getting caught by Google. Other than that this works like gangbusters.

Because of the risk above, many people opted to just create their own network. That way they control everything and they never get into trouble with it. People mainly get into trouble with this technique by allowing people to use their Network, then the people that they invite to use the network abused it or send spammy links to it or let it get hacked or something like that. As long as you keep it all private, and never share with anyone except for people that you know very very well and trust. This technique can work great.

So the screenshots below are from a variety of websites, some that make income day in and day out, some make me money in large chunks.

(these are just a few examples, don’t try to add them up to see how much I make online, its a lot more than this)

This one is a yearly summary of sales (almost all profit) for one niche site:

a couple other niche sites:

This one has a blend of domain tweak and other techniques, but I’ve used domain tweak heavily on it. Runs totally on autopilot:

By admin

Chad Kimball is an entrepeneur and internet marketer who shapes his work around his life, rather than the other way around. He quit his job and has been working (as little as possible) from home since January of 2000.

16 replies on “Screenshots of Money I’ve Made From My Domain Tweak Techniques”


Hi Chad,

Gee Whiz not bad for starting the new year off. Sent to Facebook Chad. Will keep a look out for your posts on rss as well. I get so many emails it easy to miss out sometimes what is happening around the net.

Thanks for the info.


That’s some awesome motivation Chad! I’m still new to affiliate marketing, but seeing this definately motivates me to be in the game for the long run.


OMG Chad,

Looks like another one of your cources I need to get! I don’t know how you and your brother keep comming with new and better products…


Waiting to see this system

Lynsey Patsays:

Loved you’re mail Chad. The bit about the kids not allowing working Saturdays is sooo cool.

Waiting for them Vids.
Many Thanks


I wish I can do this, I’ll try :)

Phil Mirandasays:

Phil Miranda here… Hey Chad, you’re really one of the only Affiliate marketers who provide great, no hype, proven SEO techniques that WORK! Thanks a bunch Chad for the quality info that you share.


Looks great, I just hope us regular hard working folks can afford it!

God bless you.


Chad ~ Thanks for sharing that! Look forward to your new product…. if it is anything like the others it will be filled with value. Thanks!

Matthew Maginleysays:

I am looking forward this product. Your previous products have had great value. Since you’ve been quiet lately I know you’ve been doing something. Now we know what it is.

Your Fansays:

Hi Chad,

I’m really fan of yours and lately I started reading all the stuff associated with you and also went through the discussion people were doing about you.

But still I am not aware of where is your that site from where you sell products. I’m afraid I didn’t get any link on this site.

If you spare little time and email me your products site link then I’d be thankful to you. And above all I will be honored if you teach me the skills which you have for making money, I am ready to pay you.

I am eagerly waiting for your reply and many thanks for your great understanding.

ANSWER FROM CHAD: You can join the notification list here


Hey there…

I would love to get the upgrade offer for domain tweak upgrade.

My investment in \Youtube Cash Secrets\…and the \Update & Double DVD Set – Current Customer Discount\—is at a different email address from my original purchase of \Domain Tweak Course\.

I’m excited and hope you can contact me.

I know you are probably flat out and hope the update is super successful for you.

Geoff Slingsby

ANSWER FROM CHAD: Will send you an email

Eric Reyessays:

Your freaken amazing! If I made double of this site then u must of killed it!!!
Wow! Thx chad

ANSWER FROM CHAD: Eric you’re awesome!!!


Hi Chad, I bought Domain Tweak a couple of years or so ago, I access it here: and I got the DVD too, is there an upgrade path I can take as a previous Domain Tweak customer, I know you added some extras to the latest launch of DT, but they’re not in the above membership.

Many thanks


ANSWER FROM CHAD: Yes, you can upgrade here:


Hi Chad,

I am really interested in your course but would also like to know if you are renting out some links on your high pr network. I would really like to get some. If you are, can you tell me the TF, CF, Mozrank, PA, and DA of the domains as these metrics are also important in addition to the pr. I would be interested in pr 4, 5, and 6’s at this time.


ANSWER FROM CHAD: Yes, we have a ton of high PR pages available here: if you have questions about specific links, shoot an email to and we can send trustflow/citationflow etc..


I forgot to mention this. Does the customer actually get to see the domain name once links are placed?


ANSWER FROM CHAD: Yes customers get to see the exact page that contains the link.

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