Nine people stole my products and tried to sell them online. Straight up pirated them from clickbank or wherever they saw them. One housewife who works for me, setup several email broadcasts to more than make up for the money I lost.
I’ve made most of my money in my life from email lists, and continue to do so. Many would think that email marketing is dead, but it most certainly is not. Email open rates have dropped, and it is a bit harder to beat spam filters, but it is still one of the best ways to make money you can find other than getting free inbound calls from hot leads. In fact, there are even more sophisticated ways to market via email.
We now have complex trees of decisions that determine which email a subscriber will get, how often they’ll get email from us, and what topic the email will be about.
Our systems also interface with text message systems that send SMS messages in addition to emails if the subscriber meets certain criteria! Dig deep, email marketing is still a very powerful tool for online marketing.
15 replies on “9 Conmen Steal My Money, Housewife Gets It Back”
Chad, you sure do have a way of catching attention. Thank you for the encouragement.
Great strategy Chad Looking forward to your Lists secrets course ,tuesday
Good one chad, nice headline I was like where is the housewife, but I see you explained it well. Hopefully I can get my wife to understand the internet, and maybe that could be her job instead of going back to school to waste money trying to make money. I look forward to your email list, I am kind of in a hole from investing in my tshirt company so make it a good price a struggling person can get. Thanks chad you are the realest.
You make your point effectively… Quality gets results. When your internet marketing includes quality and quantity, you can win.
At first, I had no idea why you chose your headline.
Sweet housewife Chad! Cool advice on tracking and hidden profits. I see that beard is growing back – I’m still not sure if that’s you or Tommy Chong up their
on top of this page. Thanks for the tips- Always enjoy and appreciate your sharing.
Hey Chad,
Simply unbelievable. So simple, yet so profound. How could I miss it? Of course I need to track and track everything. But, what happens? I have not and still don’t make it enough of a priority.
Maybe others face the same problem. Switching from one project to another so quickly and easily, that nothing gets finished. Result? I have no idea where I am!
For example, I got quite a big check from ClickBank recently, and I have no idea where it came from.
Really, you are a genius. Every time I watch your free video content, I learn so much. I just keep thinking I must have missed out on a whole lot every time I skip an email or whatever from you…
Hey chad, seems the video keeps stopping right after you show the number of sales.
Could you send it again please ,thanks.
never works now.
Housewives got it goin’ on bro
Hey Chad,
Thx for the kick up the behind.
So important to track everything.
Something I need to do much more of…
Thx again dude.
Great advice and info on your Videos. Kudos
Hey Chad I spent my last buck on the Niche Profit classroom. Yes I want your letter.
It is just simply amazing Chad, It just blows my mind with the radical information you bring forth! You go on with your bad self and I will looking forward on Tuesday! Peace!
Thanks for always sharing great content. You Rock!!
If it’s true that our species is alone in the world, then I’d have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little
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