“Buy done-for-you e-comm stores with tons of hot-selling products and guaranteed sales just in one month.” It sounds tempting, right? But it also brings to mind questions such as… is it really possible to earn passive money from stores without putting in much effort?
Well, the Optimyze Digital team says it is. They will do the groundwork for you, which includes building stores, filling them with branded products, marketing them, and generating sales.
I want to be upfront before we go any further. I’ve been doing online marketing for over 20 years, and I have major concerns with the Optimyze Digital business model. Why? You have to CONTINUALLY be on the search for new customers to buy your products!
I prefer a much more AUTOPILOT business model. A business I can setup that runs without me needing to keep hustling for new clients. This video teaches a business model using google maps where you setup your OWN websites and rent them out to clients instead. If a client decides to leave, you can simply find another client and point the leads to them instead. I highly recommend this business model instead of partnering with Optimyze Digital. My own teenagers are using this autopilot model!
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than the Optimyze Digital program. But since you are here to learn about Optimyze digital, lets get back to our review of that:
In this post, I’ll be discussing the details of the Optimyze Digital course. I’ll also show you what people are saying about them to find out whether it’s legit or just another scam. So without further ado, let’s dive in.
About Asante Monadjemi and Justin Jeffers
The entrepreneurial duo behind Optimyze Digital have been friends since they were 14. Later, they teamed up to build their own eCommerce business platform, ‘Optimyze Digital,’ to help people start their own businesses without the traditional risks.

Although Justin Jeffers is a scientist at heart, he managed to earn a 7-digit figure from his first e-commerce venture in 2017. What started as a way of supplementing his income turned into an explosive entrance into the world of digital entrepreneurship.
Right now, Justin Jeffers is associated with multiple digital marketing platforms, including OverNight Leads, Odyssey Digital, Ubiquity Digital, Mogul Supply, and Elysium Digital.
As for Asante Monadjemi, he studied management at the University of North Carolina. He has been working in the marketing field for years now and has experience working in various companies, including Optimyze Digital, where he has worked as a COO for almost 4 years.
What Services Are Provided by Optimyze Digital?
The team of Optimyze Digital includes 20 to 50 experts who have worked in digital marketing for many years. This team uses their experience and marketing strategies to build your e-commerce sites and optimize your existing online business accounts.
Apart from e-commerce services, they also provide website and app development services, appointment generation, and affiliate marketing. Their client base includes solar, eCommerce, medical, lending, and real estate. Optimyze Digital also offers very competent and up-to-date tools for their clients.

So, how will all these work out for you? You have to pay a certain amount to buy their done-for-you ecomm stores. The stores contain the most in-demand products which are then sold via Amazon FBA and other sites.
If you want, the Optimyze Digital team will prepare the products and ship them to Amazon FBA. This means, you can continue your business without worrying about buying products, promoting, generating traffic, and selling.
Public Reviews of Optimyze Digital Services
Unfortunately, there aren’t many public reviews available for the services of Optimyze Digital. Their official website is neat and clean with useful information, but it doesn’t have any testimony from their clients. However, there are some reviews available on Facebook.
Let’s start with the negative reviews first. Brian Novotny says, “After I signed up, I was immediately passed over to a company named Ascend which is not run by Asante at all.
Optimyze was nothing more than a lead generation company that will tell you whatever you want to hear, so you sign up and do business with them. Don’t walk, but run from Optimyze Digital!”
To be honest, I don’t buy it. There’s no way Optimyze Digital will drag you into making deals with some other company because they won’t even get anything out of it.
And if this person couldn’t be associated with Optimyze Digital, how can he say it’s just a lead generation company? It doesn’t make sense!
Another user, Neel Kausar says, “I came to Optimyze to get digital marketing for my e-commerce business and wound up buying a store from them. The process takes a few months to generate sales, but my store is now generating significant revenue, and I don’t have to do anything. It’s a substantial passive income opportunity.”
Now that seems a genuine take on the company. You can contact them to promote your existing business, or you can buy stores from them to get started. Either way, it’s going to take some time to build a sustainable income source, and once it happens, the income stream is entirely passive.
So, how long do you have to wait? This review from Vittorio Valarezo Lingen will give you the answer. He says, “I reached them out a few months ago, they helped me introduce myself to the eCommerce space managing everything from me. They have an amazing team, now after 2 months with my stores, I’m starting to see good results.”
Well, I would think it takes at least 6 months to profit from such stores. But a bunch of people said that it takes 2 months to generate sales. If you have good guidance and the right products, this is possible. After all, everyone has different experiences in this field.
Now let’s see how’s the professional team at Optimyze Digital. Kevin Ramroop states, “They are a great company and have built a great team around them. One of their team members, Shion has been extremely helpful in my journey with Optimyze. Since day one, he has gone above and beyond to ensure that I am kept up-to-date with new business ventures.”
In a similar review, Gor Galstyan says, “A great company with a very professional team. I would like to mention Shion Galata who has stood out with his professionalism as we maneuvered through creating my funnel. My marketing funnel has been doing great with several big conversions. So that’s always nice seeing the checks coming in. Best investment ever.”
Shion Galata is the director of Optimyze Digital, and he seems like an honest guy when it comes to helping his clients. Many have praised him for his friendly and supportive nature. I guess it’s safe to assume that the rest of the team is also responsible and helpful towards their clients.
Finally, here’s a short review from Shakyryn Napier that sums up Optimyze Digital. She says, “I’ve been working with OD since December, and they’ve been fantastic! Very responsive and knowledgeable. I just received my first check from my funnel about 2 months in. The hardest part of the process is being patient.”
So, you get a team of experts who will help you in every step of your digital marketing journey, do the heavy lifting for you, and provide you with all the tools and necessary knowledge. All you have to do is invest, follow their instructions, and wait for some time to get your first check.
Is Optimyze Digital Legit? – My Verdict
Yes, Optimyze Digital is a legit service provider for both new and experienced entrepreneurs. Once you get connected with them, it’s easier to promote your business on various platforms. As a result, your sales increase, and you get the chance to build a sustainable income source that’s completely passive.

But, do I recommend Optimyze Digital? Yes, I would recommend it to those serious about digital marketing, e-commerce business, and affiliate marketing. According to their clients, the team is great and very knowledgeable. They will help you in every step of growing your business.
Best of all, the team guarantees you profitable sales just within a month! If you don’t like their services, you can get your money back anytime. Since there’s nothing to lose, I would say you should give it a try.
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