You may remember the last video question and answer session I did.
I will be recording another free Q and A in the next few days.
If you have any questions for me or my brother Seth about making money online, clickbank, PPC, SEO, being an Inbound closer, just post it in the comments below. I’ll do my best to answer any question you have.
We’ll post a free recording of the Q and A here on the blog. I’ll also shoot you an email to let you know the Q and A recording is posted.
A couple requests:
1. If you have tech support questions about a product of mine, please just email it to my gmail address (chadwarrior). It will be answered a lot faster and a lot more detail at that email address. It also allows us to ask you detailed clarification questions etc…
2. If it is a general question about a product of mine that would be useful to everyone watching the Q and A, ask away!
3. Finally, browse the comments to see if someone else has already asked your question.
I usually charge $1250 an hour for this sort of thing, so take advantage of it!
Go ahead and ask your question in the comments below…