What Is Wealth Academy?
Wealth Academy is an online educational program and platform where people who are interested in making money online especially in affiliate marketing and multi-level marketing can get started.
This platform is created by Shaqir Hussyin and it acts as a place where beginners can learn about a lot of strategies and techniques in making money as an affiliate marketer and multi-level marketer.
But before I talk to you about Wealth Academy, I need to tell you my concern about affiliate marketing: my main concern with this business model is that you have very little control over what you are selling. Product owners may not pay you. They may change their commission structure (I have personally had this happen). They may remove their products from the market (I have had this happen too!). Instead, learn a business model that puts you in total control. You keep all the profits and you own all the products. And it takes less time to setup than an affiliate marketing business. Just click the underlined link above to see what I’m talking about.
Here’s a video of my daughter’s business using this :
Click Here to Get The Course My Daughter Used.
The course my daughter used above is much better than Wealth Academy. But since you are here to learn about Wealth Academy, lets get back to our review of that:
From that, we already know that there are going to be a lot of video lessons included in this platform right? That is quite true. Shaqir created this platform to teach others the techniques and strategies that he has applied in his journey as an online entrepreneur to make millions of dollars in sales online.

How Much Is Wealth Academy?
Wealth Academy Course Fee ranges from cheap to $40,000. There is a wide range of products available inside Wealth Academy, it covers free video and products that you can access up to webinars training that cost thousands of dollars for you to purchase. At a first glance, Wealth Academy looks like a great way for Shaqir to make money online selling courses because it covers cheap products to products that cost up to $40,000.
Yes! $40,000 for marketing training may sound absurd to you but Shaqir has an offer that he priced at $40,000. However, the products and services that are in Wealth Academy are designed to help beginners make a living with internet marketing especially in affiliate marketing and MLM. The collections of courses and services in Wealth Academy allow anyone to invest in themselves and make money online as an entrepreneur.
If you are an affiliate marketer, Wealth Academy can be a great way for you to make money online because Shaqir has a free affiliate program that you can get into that offers 50 percent commission for every product sale and 20 percent commission for service sale. Considering the fact that Wealth Academy has products and services that cost thousands of dollars, this can be a goldmine for a good affiliate marketer. If you compare those pricepoints to what could be made from clickbank or jvzoo, it makes some sense.
Now that we know what Wealth Academy is, let’s look at who Shaqir Hussyin is and what makes him a person that can be followed and learn from.
Who Is Shaqir Hussyin?

There aren’t that many Shaqir Hussyin Reviews out there, so here’s some info about him: Shaqir Hussyin is the founder and CEO of Wealth Academy and Funnels.com, he has been nicknamed by many as the “backpack millionaire” because he used to be making money online as an affiliate marketer while traveling to over 50 countries around the world. He has been featured by CBC Entrepreneur, Forbes, CNN, and iHeartMedia.
He becomes a successful online entrepreneur by learning different aspects and niches of digital marketing such as affiliate marketing, digital publishing, email marketing, sales funnel, and more. These are the things that he mastered to be running 8 figures online business while traveling the world at the same time.
He has claimed that he created 10 businesses and brand that makes over 1 million dollars in sales and 2 of the brands made him more than 10 million dollars in sales. While building and running the businesses, Shaqir has built an email list of more than 570,000 subscribers as well as having thousands of clients around the world that use his business service.
His main goal now is to make Wealth Academy become a high-quality community for wealth creation. He wants his platform to become a place where people learn how to create wealth, seek financial knowledge and obtain freedom in everything that they want.
Shaqir started his entrepreneurial journey back in 2009, at that time he was obese and did not have many friends. Some of his friends and acquaintances that he knows either went for corporate jobs and doing illegal stuff such as selling drugs. He was confused and could not see what was going to happen in his future.
Then, he started his journey by typing online on how to make money online. We all have probably gone through this phase of discovering how to make money online and some business models that you can do online but most people do not achieve the success that they want in making money online.
He said his life changed when he stumbled upon an internet marketing guru that showcases his luxury lifestyle while traveling the world at the same time. He wanted to be like his mentor, thus he learned from him and within 3 years of doing internet marketing, he achieved 7 figures in sales.
From then, he started to develop his online business more and more every time up to the point that he collectively sold over 30 million dollars worth of products entirely online. Not only that, but he also started several digital businesses such as Done For You Premium Sales Funnel and SoloAdsAgency. These are the businesses that he created within the internet marketing field.
He started to get greedy when he was trying to invest in cryptocurrency and software companies but they did not go very well. Then, from 2018, he decided to focus mainly on his main business which is Wealth Academy. This is where he creates most of his money, builds a good community of people that are eager to become rich and learn financial knowledge.
His goal for the next 10 years is to create a massive movement of wealth hackers from his Wealth Academy company and take it to a billion-dollar level. His other mission is to create a charity organization that offers entrepreneurship and spiritual education for orphans
Now that we know who Shaqir is, do you think that he is authentic and not a scammer that makes his entire money from selling online courses? There are multiple issues and negative reviews that have been related to him and his courses online.
Is Shaqir Hussyin A Scam?

In my opinion, he is not a scam but he has been involved with companies that are regarded as a scam by the FTC in America. Some of the companies are My Online Business Education (MOBE) and Empower network where he made more than 1 million dollars in combined earnings from there as an affiliate marketer. To reach this level, you need to have a lot of connections with higher-level people in the multi-level marketing companies mentioned.
As the companies have been declared as a scam officially, his reputation went down a bit and he has been looked at as a marketer that pushes people to buy the products that he promotes.
One other thing that is fishy about him is that there are multiple complaints from his students that he does not provide them with refunds even after being reached out multiple times through their support team. These refund issues come from products that are worth thousands of dollars and he keeps giving excuses to delay the refund issues.
What Is The Content Of Wealth Academy?
As mentioned before, Wealth Academy features a lot of content around digital marketing. It acts as a place where people go to learn about digital marketing. There are a lot of niches in digital marketing such as email marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, and more.
In this platform, you would find the training that you need especially when you first start as an online entrepreneur. It covers a wide range of training and this can be overwhelming for students to grasp the knowledge that they seek especially if they are beginners in making money online.
Other than that, Wealth Academy also offers software tools that relate to digital marketing as well as some services that they offer as monthly subscription-based services. Shaqir used to sell solo ads as a service, and solo ads are still offered in Wealth Academy even though solo ads have been labeled as one of the worst traffic to get for affiliate marketers and internet marketers in general.
Pros and Cons
- The Wealth Academy platform has everything that you can learn in the digital marketing field, thus it acts as a university for digital marketers and beginners that want to make money online.
- There are courses that you can learn for free and that includes webinar training that Shaqir offers for free
- The price of some products and services can go up to $49,999 which is quite ridiculous for an online education platform, which is much more than some University bachelor courses out there.
- There are some claims that Shaqir does not provide refunds for high ticket products and services that their student have purchased in Wealth Academy
To conclude this review, I am reluctant to recommend this to anyone that wants to learn how to make money online or in digital marketing. Even Though that Wealth Academy is a platform where there is everything that you can learn, they are too general and we do not even know the credibility of some teachers there.
To add on top of that, some high ticket courses that he offers are overpriced based on some students’ reviews online. To be safe, I would recommend you to go to an expert in whatever you want to learn. If you want to learn how to make money with email marketing, then just go straight to the top email marketing gurus out there. At least you know that you are learning from someone that knows and master the subject.